Gun Control

Gun Control
Let me put my views out there for the masses to dispute. First, let me say I am a person who enjoys hunting deer, turkey, etc. I have owned a gun before in my life time, (a 235 deer rifle, which was stolen). For years now I think about my rifle being used for some type of illegal act and I would be responsible. That never has happened.
Gun Control is a difficult issue which we must find some solution to. I believe in the constitution, we have a right to bear harms and defend ourselves, BUT, do we really have the right or need to have assault rifles or huge large and powerful offensive weapons. How many deer has been killed with a AK 47? How many times have people defended themselves by using an AK 47 instead of a pistol or rifle?
I am in favor of gun control and believe we need to enact gun control measures immediately as well as enforce the gun laws we have now. If it was your loved one that is gunned down, you probably would want additional gun control laws enacted.
We never want to be negative about any issues unless we can offer a positive solution or part of a solution. My positive solution would be to make any seller of a gun liable if the owner/buyer of the gun used the gun for illicit measures. Not only high profile school shootings but shooting for arguments between individuals, domestic arguments and anything illegal. This would include if the owner/buyer robbed banks or other individuals, the seller could be could have charges pressed against them and be financially liable in some type of measures.
This ideal may be harsh but I believe it will take harsh measures in order to find some sense of order and comfortable, hazard free living among the masses. WE are becoming a society of Wild West mentally and it is destroying the USA.
This issue has been debated for a very long time. My Mother would not allow guns in her house due to a distant relative being shot and killed with a Beebe gun. It was accidental, but the relative is just as dead. Dad owned a gun but it was never allowed in the house and was used only for hunting or killing intruders into our house, like possum’s, raccoons, snakes etc. There were six ornery siblings in the house so we did not have many intruders.
Everyone will not agree with me and I am not trying to convert the haters of the ideal, but please agree with me that something must be done NOW to stop this. If it is not gun control then please give positive suggestions of how we stop this senseless killing.

About DavidMaysBooks

Author / Writer
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